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like 1
(līk)like 2
(līk)like 3
(līk) also liked (līkt)like
(laɪk)adj. (Poetic) lik•er, lik•est,
prep., adv., conj., n., interj. adj.
(laɪk)v. liked, lik•ing,
n. v.t.
- Comes from Germanic likam, "appearance, body, form"; the verb came from likojam, which, as like, originally meant "please."like
If you like someone or something, you find them pleasant or attractive.
Be Careful!
Don't use a progressive form of like. Don't say, for example, 'I am liking peanuts'. Say 'I like peanuts'.
You can use like in front of an -ing form to say that you enjoy an activity.
You can add very much to emphasize how much you like someone or something, or how much you enjoy an activity.
Be Careful!
You must put very much after the object, not after like. Don't say, for example, 'I like very much swimming'.
If someone asks you if you like something, you can say 'Yes, I do.' Don't say 'Yes, I like.'
Be Careful!
Don't use 'like' immediately in front of a clause beginning with 'when' or 'if'. For example, don't say 'I like when I can go home early'. Say 'I like it when I can go home early'.
You say 'Would you like...?' when you are offering something to someone.
Be Careful!
Don't say 'Do you like some coffee?'
You say 'Would you like...' followed by a to-infinitive when you are inviting someone to do something.
Be Careful!
Don't use an -ing form after 'Would you like...'. Don't say, for example, 'Would you like meeting him?'
You can say 'I'd like...' when asking for something in a shop or café.
You say 'I'd like you to...' when you are telling someone to do something in a fairly polite way.
as the wayYou can use like, as, or the way as conjunctions when you are comparing one person's behaviour or appearance to another's. In the clause which follows the conjunction, the verb is usually do.
For example, you can say 'He walked to work every day, like his father had done', 'He walked to work every day, as his father had done', or 'He walked to work every day, the way his father had done'.
Like and as can be prepositions, but their meaning is not usually the same. For example, if you do something like a particular kind of person, you do it the way that kind of person would do it, although you are not that kind of person.
If you do something as a particular kind of person, you are that kind of person.
dislikeThe verbs and expressions in the following list are all used to indicate how much someone likes or dislikes something. They are arranged from 'like most' to 'dislike most':
- adoreShe adored her parents and would do anything to please them.
- love, be crazy about, be mad about, be a great fan ofWe loved the food so much, especially the fish dishes.He's still crazy about both his work and his hobbies.She's not as mad about sport as I am.I am a great fan of rave music.
- like, be fond of, be keen onWhat music do you like best?She was especially fond of a little girl named Betsy.Both companies were keen on a merger.
- don't mindI hope you don't mind me calling in like this, without an appointment.
- dislikeWe don't serve liver often because so many people dislike it.
- hateShe hated hospitals and didn't like the idea of having an operation.
- abhor, can't bear, can't stand, detest, loatheHe was a man who abhorred violence and was deeply committed to reconciliation.I can't bear people who make judgements and label me.I can't stand that man and his arrogance.Jean detested being photographed.The two men loathe each other.
Past participle: liked
Gerund: liking
Imperative |
like |
like |
Noun | 1. | like - a similar kind; "dogs, foxes, and the like", "we don't want the likes of you around here" |
2. | like - a kind of person; "We'll not see his like again"; "I can't tolerate people of his ilk" | |
Verb | 1. | like - prefer or wish to do something; "Do you care to try this dish?"; "Would you like to come along to the movies?" please - be the will of or have the will (to); "he could do many things if he pleased" |
2. | like - find enjoyable or agreeable; "I like jogging"; "She likes to read Russian novels" cotton - take a liking to; "cotton to something" prefer - like better; value more highly; "Some people prefer camping to staying in hotels"; "We prefer sleeping outside" care for - have a liking, fondness, or taste (for) dislike - have or feel a dislike or distaste for; "I really dislike this salesman" | |
3. | like - be fond of; "I like my nephews" | |
4. | like - feel about or towards; consider, evaluate, or regard; "How did you like the President's speech last night?" | |
5. | like - want to have; "I'd like a beer now!" | |
Adj. | 1. | like - resembling or similar; having the same or some of the same characteristics; often used in combination; "suits of like design"; "a limited circle of like minds"; "members of the cat family have like dispositions"; "as like as two peas in a pod"; "doglike devotion"; "a dreamlike quality" same - closely similar or comparable in kind or quality or quantity or degree; "curtains the same color as the walls"; "two girls of the same age"; "mother and son have the same blue eyes"; "animals of the same species"; "the same rules as before"; "two boxes having the same dimensions"; "the same day next year" unlike, dissimilar, different - marked by dissimilarity; "for twins they are very unlike"; "people are profoundly different" |
2. | like - equal in amount or value; "like amounts"; "equivalent amounts"; "the same amount"; "gave one six blows and the other a like number"; "the same number" equal - having the same quantity, value, or measure as another; "on equal terms"; "all men are equal before the law" unlike - not equal in amount; "they distributed unlike (or unequal) sums to the various charities" | |
3. | like - having the same or similar characteristics; "all politicians are alike"; "they looked utterly alike"; "friends are generally alike in background and taste" | |
4. | like - conforming in every respect; "boxes with corresponding dimensions"; "the like period of the preceding year" same - closely similar or comparable in kind or quality or quantity or degree; "curtains the same color as the walls"; "two girls of the same age"; "mother and son have the same blue eyes"; "animals of the same species"; "the same rules as before"; "two boxes having the same dimensions"; "the same day next year" |
1similar to different, contrasted, unlike, opposite, dissimilar, divergent
equal opposite
"Like breeds like"
2enjoy hate, dislike, loathe, despise, detest, abominate
admire hate, dislike, loathe, despise, detest, abominate
like 1
verblike 2
1 [laɪk]snakes, lizards and like creatures → serpientes fpl, lagartos mpl y criaturas fpl parecidas or semejantes
to be of like mind → tener ideas afines
she and a group of friends of like mind → ella y un grupo de amigos con ideas afines
he was very intolerant towards people not of a like mind → era muy intransigente con las personas que no le daban la razón
they are as like as two peas (in a pod) → se parecen como dos gotas de agua
what's he like? → ¿cómo es (él)?
you know what she's like → ya la conoces, ya sabes cómo es
what's Spain like? → ¿cómo es España?
what's the weather like? → ¿qué tiempo hace?
a house like mine → una casa como la mía, una casa parecida a la mía
I found one like it → encontré uno parecido or igual
she was like a sister to me → fue (como) una hermana para mí
we heard a noise like someone sneezing → nos pareció oír a alguien estornudar, oímos como un estornudo
I never saw anything like it → nunca he visto cosa igual or semejante
what's he like as a teacher? → ¿qué tal es como profesor?
to be like sth/sb → parecerse a algo/algn, ser parecido a algo/algn
you're so like your father (in looks, character) → te pareces mucho a tu padre, eres muy parecido a tu padre
this portrait is not like him → en este retrato no parece él
it was more like a prison than a house → se parecía más a una cárcel que a una casa
the figure is more like 300 → la cifra se acerca más bien a 300
why can't you be more like your sister? → ¿por qué no aprendes de tu hermana?
that's more like it! → ¡así está mejor!, ¡así me gusta!
there's nothing like real silk → no hay nada como la seda natural
something like that → algo así, algo por el estilo
I was thinking of giving her something like a doll → pensaba en regalarle algo así como una muñeca, pensaba en regalarle una muñeca o algo por el estilo
they earn something like £50,000 a year → ganan alrededor de 50.000 libras al año
people like that can't be trusted → esa clase or ese tipo de gente no es de fiar
see also feel B3
see also look B4
see also smell C1
see also sound 1 C2.1
see also taste C
isn't it just like him! → ¡no cambia!, ¡eso es típico de él!
(it's) just like you to grab the last cake! → ¡qué típico que tomes or (Sp) cojas tú el último pastelito!
he thinks like us → piensa como nosotros
like me, he is fond of Brahms → igual que a mí, le gusta Brahms
she behaved like an idiot → se comportó como una idiota
just like anybody else → igual que cualquier otro
like this/that → así
it wasn't like that → no fue así, no ocurrió así
I'm sorry to intrude on you like this → siento importunarte de este modo
stop pacing like that → deja de dar vueltas
he got up and left, just like that → se levantó y se marchó, así, sin más
like father like son → de tal palo tal astilla
see also anything 5
see also crazy A1
see also hell A2
see also mad A1.2
large cities like New York → las grandes urbes como Nueva York
the basic necessities of life, like food and drink → las necesidades básicas de la vida, como la comida y la bebida
on company advice, well, orders, more like → siguiendo los consejos de la empresa, bueno, más bien sus órdenes
it's nothing like as hot as it was yesterday → no hace tanto calor como ayer, ni mucho menos
£500 will be nothing like enough → 500 libras no serán suficientes, ni mucho menos
the exchange was done on a like-for-like basis → el intercambio se hizo basándose en dos cosas parecidas
did you ever see the like (of it)? → ¿has visto cosa igual?
I've no time for the likes of him → no soporto a la gente como él
sparrows, starlings and the like or and such like → gorriones, estorninos y otras aves por el estilo
to compare like with like → comparar dos cosas semejantes
like attracts like → Dios los cría y ellos se juntan
2 [laɪk]I like bright colours → me gustan los colores vivos
which do you like best? → ¿cuál es el que más te gusta?
your father won't like it → esto no le va a gustar a tu padre
I like oysters but they don't like me → me gustan las ostras pero no me sientan muy bien
we like it here → nos gusta este sitio
I like him → me cae bien or simpático
I don't like him at all → me resulta antipático, no me cae nada bien
I've come to like him → le he llegado a tomar or (Sp) coger cariño
don't you like me just a little bit? → ¿no me quieres un poquitín?
you know he likes you very much → sabes que te tiene mucho cariño or que te quiere mucho
I don't think they like each other → creo que no se caen bien
I don't like the look of him → no me gusta su aspecto, no me gusta la pinta que tiene
I like your nerve! → ¡qué frescura!, ¡qué cara tienes!
well, I like that! → ¡será posible!, ¡habráse visto!
she is well liked here → aquí se la quiere mucho
how do you like it here? → ¿qué te parece este sitio?
how would you like to go to the cinema? → ¿te apetece or (LAm) se te antoja ir al cine?
how would you like it if somebody did the same to you? → ¿cómo te sentirías si alguien te hiciera lo mismo?
how do you like that! I've been here five years and he doesn't know my name → ¡qué te parece!, llevo cinco años trabajando aquí y no sabe ni cómo me llamo
this plant doesn't like sunlight → a esta planta no le gusta la luz
I like to know the facts before I form opinions → me gusta conocer los hechos antes de formarme una opinión
I like to be obeyed → me gusta que me obedezcan
she likes him to be home by ten → le gusta que esté en casa antes de las diez
I like to think I'm not prejudiced → creo que no tengo prejuicios
I like to think of myself as a humanitarian → me considero una persona humanitaria
take as much as you like → toma or coge todo lo que quieras
he thinks he can do as he likes → cree que puede hacer lo que quiera, cree que puede hacer lo que le de la gana
whether he likes it or not → le guste o no (le guste), quiera o no (quiera)
whenever you like → cuando quieras
would/should like
I'd like you to do it → quiero que lo hagas
would you like me to wait? → ¿quiere que espere?
I'd or I would or > I should like an explanation (frm) → quisiera una explicación, me gustaría que me dieran una explicación
I'd like to think we're still friends → quisiera creer que todavía somos amigos
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you all → quisiera aprovechar esta oportunidad para darles las gracias a todos
I'd like the roast chicken, please → (me trae) el pollo asado, por favor
I'd like three pounds of tomatoes, please → (me da) tres libras de tomates, por favor
as you like → como quieras
"shall we go now?" - "if you like" → -¿nos vamos ya? -si quieres
likes and dislikes → aficiones fpl y fobias or manías, cosas fpl que gustan y cosas que no
he has distinct likes and dislikes where food is concerned → con respecto a la comida tiene claras preferencias or sabe muy bien lo que le gusta y lo que no (le gusta)
"Gustar" better avoided
Like + verb
"How do you like...?"
Would like
[ˈlaɪk]I like Paul, but I don't want to go out with him → J'aime bien Paul, mais je ne veux pas sortir avec lui.
I can't think why Grace doesn't like me
BUT Je ne comprends pas pourquoi Grace ne m'aime pas.
I didn't realise she liked him
BUT Je ne me suis pas rendu compte qu'il lui plaisait.
I don't like mustard → Je n'aime pas la moutarde.
That's one of the things I like about you → C'est l'une des choses que j'aime chez toi., C'est l'une des choses qui me plaisent chez toi.
I like the way you ... → j'aime bien la façon dont tu ...
I've been looking at the cookery book. I like the way it is set out → J'ai regardé le livre de cuisine. J'aime bien la façon dont c'est mis en page.
to like doing sth → aimer faire qch
I like riding → J'aime monter à cheval.
to like to do sth → aimer faire qch
I like to go to bed early during the week → J'aime me coucher tôt en semaine.
not to like sb doing sth → ne pas aimer que qn fasse qch
She doesn't like him working so hard → Elle n'aime pas qu'il travaille si dur.
His wife didn't like him drinking so much → Sa femme n'aimait pas qu'il boive tant.
like it or not → que cela nous plaise ou non
I'd like an orange juice, please → Je voudrais un jus d'orange, s'il vous plaît.
would you like ... → voulez-vous ...
Would you like some coffee? → Voulez-vous du café?
Would you like a coffee? → Voulez-vous un café?
Here's your change. Would you like a bag? → Voici votre monnaie. Voulez-vous un sac?
I'd like to ... → j'aimerais ...
I'd like to go to Russia one day → J'aimerais aller en Russie un jour.
I'd like to wash my hands → J'aimerais me laver les mains.
If you don't mind, I'd like to go home → Si cela ne vous fait rien, j'aimerais rentrer.
Would you like to go for a walk? → Voulez-vous aller faire une promenade?
if you like (= if you prefer) → si vous voulez (or si tu veux)
You can stay here if you like → Vous pouvez rester ici si vous voulez.
You can have whatever you like → Vous pouvez avoir tout ce que vous voulez. (= if you want to put it that way)
This is more like a down payment, or a deposit, if you like → Il s'agit plus d'un acompte, ou d'une caution, si vous voulez.
a city like Paris → une ville comme Paris
It's a bit like salmon → C'est un peu comme du saumon.
a house like ours → une maison comme la nôtre
I was trembling like a leaf → Je tremblais comme une feuille.
to act or behave like ...
He was acting like an idiot → Il se comportait comme un imbécile.
there's nothing like ... (= nothing as good as) → rien de tel que ...
There's nothing like candlelight for creating a romantic mood → Rien de tel que la lumière des bougies pour créer une ambiance romantique.
like father, like son → tel père, tel fils
something like (= about) → quelque chose comme
They get something like £30,000 a year → Ils perçoivent quelque chose comme 30 000 livres par an.
like that → comme ça
It's fine like that → C'est bien comme ça.
something like that → quelque chose comme ça
like this → comme ça
Do it like this → Faites-le comme ça.
like so → comme ça
that's more like it! (= better) → voilà qui est mieux!
to look like sb/sth → ressembler à qn/qch
You look like my brother → Tu ressembles à mon frère.
a computer that looks like a pocket calculator → un ordinateur qui ressemble à une calculette
He looks like Father Christmas → Il ressemble au père Noël.
to taste like sth → avoir le goût de qch
It tastes a bit like a peach → Ça a un peu le goût de pêche.
to be like sb/sth (= look like) → être comme qn/qch
The lake was like a bright blue mirror → Le lac était comme un étincelant miroir bleu. (= be similar to) → être comme qn/qch
Kathy is a great mate, we are like sisters → Kathy est une grande copine, on est comme des sœurs elle et moi.
It's a bit like going to the dentist; it's never as bad as you fear → C'est un peu comme aller chez le dentiste: ce n'est jamais aussi dur qu'on le craint.
to be just like sb (= typical of) → être bien de qn
That's just like him → C'est bien de lui.
You should have told us. But it's just like you not to share → Tu aurais pu nous le dire. Mais c'est bien toi de ne rien partager.
and the like (= and similar things) → et autres
an epidemic the likes of which has never been seen → une épidémie comme on n'en a jamais vu
advances the like of which we previously only dreamed of → des avancées dont on ne pouvait que rêver auparavant
she and her like → elle et ses semblables likes
as like as not, like as not (= very probably) → très probablement
1 [laɪk]to be like sb/sth → essere come qn/qc
they are very like each other → si somigliano molto
a house like mine → una casa come la mia
people like that → tipi del genere
what's he like? → che tipo è?, com'è?
what's the weather like? → che tempo fa?
this portrait is not like him → questo ritratto non gli somiglia affatto
he thinks like us → la pensa come noi
she behaved like an idiot → si è comportata come una or da cretina
that's just like him → è proprio da lui
it's not like him to do that → non è da lui fare così, non è tipo da fare cose del genere
I never saw anything like it → non ho mai visto una cosa simile, non ho mai visto niente di simile
that's more like it (fam) → così va meglio
that's nothing like it → non ha niente a che vedere con quello
something like that → qualcosa del genere
don't talk like that → non parlare così
there's nothing like a holiday → non c'è niente di meglio di una vacanza
it happened like this ... → è andata così...
like father like son → tale padre tale figlio
we ran like mad (fam) → abbiamo fatto una corsa pazzesca
it rained like mad (fam) → ha piovuto a dirotto
I feel like a drink → avrei voglia di bere qualcosa, berrei volentieri qualcosa
it looks like a diamond → sembra un diamante
in like cases → in casi simili or analoghi
rabbits, mice and like creatures → conigli, topi e animali simili
to be as like as two peas (in a pod) → essere come due gocce d'acqua
as like as not → (molto) probabilmente
did you ever see the like (of it)? → hai mai visto niente del genere?
the like of which I never saw → come non ne avevo mai visti
sparrows, blackbirds and the like → passeri, merli e altri uccelli simili
the likes of him (fam) (pej) → quelli come lui
2 [laɪk]I like hats → mi piacciono i cappelli
I like her → mi piace
which do you like best? → quale preferisci?
well, I like that! (fam) (hum) → questa sì che è bella!
I would like, I'd like → mi piacerebbe, vorrei
would you like a coffee? → vuole un caffè?, gradirebbe un caffè?
I would like more time → vorrei or mi piacerebbe avere più tempo
I should like to know why → vorrei or mi piacerebbe sapere perché
would you like me to wait outside? → vuoi or desideri che aspetti fuori?
I didn't like to (do it) → non volevo (farlo)
as you like → come vuoi
if you like → se vuoi
whenever you like → quando vuoi
(laik) adjectivelike2
(laik) verblike
→ كَيْفَ, مِثْلُ, يُحِبُّ jako, jaký, mít rád lide, som, synes om mögen, wie σαν, συμπαθώ, φαίνομαι como, gustar, parecer kuin, millainen, pitää (jostakin) aimer, comme, sembler kakav, kao, voljeti come, piacere ・・・のような, 好む 비슷한, 어떠하다, 좋아하다 als, hoe, houden van hvordan, like, som jak, polubić como, gostar, ser como кажется, как, нравиться hur, som, tycka om เหมือนกัน, ชอบ, ดัง benzemek, gibi, hoşlanmak giống, như thế nào, thích 喜欢, 如同, 是…样的like
- I like ...
- I don't like ...
- Where would you like to go tonight?
- Would you like a drink?
- I like you very much
- What will the weather be like tomorrow?
- We'd like to reserve two seats for tonight
- We'd like a site for a tent
- My room smells like smoke (US)
My room smells of smoke (UK) - I'd like ..., please
- We'd like to go to ...
- We'd like to visit ...
- We'd like to play tennis
- We'd like to go cycling (US)
We would like to go cycling (UK) - We'd like to see spectacular views
- What would you like to eat?
- What would you like to do today?
- What would you like to drink?
- We'd like an aperitif
- We'd like dessert (US)
We'd like a dessert (UK)