1. Top definition
      a sexual inuendo, if something can be said in the bedroom but is said in an everyday conversation you can say thats what she said
      "it wont fit"
      "thats what she said!"

      "its too hard"
      "thats what she said!"

      "just shove it in there"

      "Stop It!"
      "ow that hurt"
      "thats what she said"
      by just-a-ninjapirate January 03, 2010
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      Jul 6 Word of the Day
      Phrase meaning that a deceased cannot rest in peace until society changes due to the circumstances of a death.
      People said rest in power for the unarmed man had been shot by the police.
      by FooBarBiz October 12, 2017
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      "I think we can fit that in with the rest of them."
      "That's what she said."

      "Make sure it's long enough."
      "That's what she said!"

      "It hurts a little but it's not too bad."

      "John, we're concerned about your drinking."
      "THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID.... Oh."
      by Cockulon 3000 August 21, 2007
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      A phrase, added to the front of another, innocent sounding statement, that creates a funny and often obscene joke
      DUDE< hurry up and eat that sub

      chill out, its not like i can get it all in at once

      thats what she said!
      by uwould May 27, 2005
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      making something completely unsexual, and making it sexual.
      two guys talking about getting off the freeway:
      "dude you better slow down or else you wont be able to get off"
      "thats what she said"

      or, another scenario:
      "slow down it wont fit!"
      "thats what she said"
      by raaafael September 06, 2007
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      I don't know who "she" is but "she" is a dirty whore.
      Mailman: "Where do you want the mail?"
      Victim: "Stick it in there."
      Mailman: "Thats what she said!"
      by Jimmythefish March 19, 2008
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      a phrase used to turn a simple comment into a sexual joke
      simple: "its so hard!" .. "that's what she said"
      more complex: "every time i pull it out i almost break my back" .. "that's what she said"
      by Kevin Blau October 09, 2006
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